Wednesday, February 10, 2010

"At ease"

The ring leader of this circus, my oncologists, Dr. Paloyan.... how can you thank a guy like that.  Heres a guy whose job is to deliver some of the worst news people can imagine hearing, and yet he installs a comfort and confidence that is absolutly necessary.

All and all things are great.  Monday, we had a bit of rough stretch with some news and what seemed to be lack of organization, or so we thought.  It didnt take more than 3 min on the phone Monday, and 30 min in the room this morning with Dr. Paloyan to reensure  that we are indeed on our way!

Its amazing the amount of coordination needed to stage a fight of this magnitude.  This isnt an ideal venue for my typical "shoot from the hip" mentality.

Treatment goes on, 9am... thanks again for everything everyone has been doing for me and my family.  Its truly incredible.


  1. Mike, thanks for sending us the link, we think this is great and very well written. We are glad to see that the first steps toward remission are under way. It always feels better when some of the waiting stops and action begins. Your approach and attitude in response to the challenges that you are facing is truly remarkable and inspiring. Keep it up and continue to blog and tell it like it is.
    We are always thinking about you and how you are doing and this helps us to better understand your fight and the progress you and your team are making on the road to victory. Never give up and remember, we all love you.

  2. Thanks alot Aunt Ann. You've been here... I wish I would have been there to offer the support that you and others are now offering me. You are proof, and inspiration for Grandpa and I.

    All and All things are great, and I am ready to put this behind me. It will be nice when I get the strength in my back to maintain a somewhat normal daily routine. This sitting around, writing, watching TV and pondering gets old.

    Thanks for checking out this... Doug suggested it, and I had already kinda thought about it. Its a clear and easy way for everyone to stay in touch (and not have to worry about cell phone signal).

  3. Mike and Stacy,
    I admire your positive response to this very personal challenge. Thinking of you both.

  4. Mike (family) you are in my thoughts and my prayers, stay strong and keep pushing forward. Hope the best and if anything can be done let me know. You are not alone in this.

  5. Mark and Robin SchmaltzFebruary 10, 2010 at 7:35 PM

    Mike and Stacey,
    This is such a well written blog. I am so glad you are doing this.It just shows how strong you really are inside and out. Hey but Mark and I knew that :). I know you will be fine. I have so much faith. Your a great guy the little I know of you but Mark sure thinks of you like a brother :). He talks about you all the time. All the work you do in your shop, is most admired. I want to tell you I have been praying for you since Mark told me about what happened. Keep writing on here and keeping us posted. We are here if you need anything. Mark and I love you both. Stay strong like always and you will be up on your feet in no time. Love always Mark& Robin Schmaltz.

  6. Chris & Heather KellerFebruary 10, 2010 at 7:58 PM

    Mike and Stacy,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you both as well as your families. Your writings on here are very positive... Keep it up and stay strong. We will be thinking of you!

    Chris & Heather Keller
