Tuesday, February 9, 2010


As a person who tried to stay clear of societies obsession with "status updates" and "tweets"... I never thought I would be in a position where a blog would be appropriate.  I was always of the mindset that if there was someone or something that I wanted to inquire about, I could personally, and vise versa.  The internet based relationship's seem to lack a certain authenticity, and felt a bit forced by trend.  Dont get me wrong, I use the internet for hours daily, for business and research, hobby networking etc.... just never got into "blogs", "twitter", "facebook"...etc.  Never seen a need for it.... until maybe now.

On Feb 4th 2010, at the age of 29 years, 2 months and 4 days old I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Renal Cell Carcinoma, basically kidney cancer that had metastasized or spread throughout my spine as well as other bones.  It all started as a sore lower back that a chiropractor couldn't relieve.  After countless scans and pokes and prouds, the near future had changed for certain... things became focused and priorities aligned.... Feb 5th was the first day of the fight that would define my life.

Statisically the prognosis would be grim, to say the least.  I have been reminded of that by many peoples faces and looks of terror when giving them the news.  But then again statistically, I am not suppose to be the man with kidney cancer...  I am not of an avg age of 50, I am not over weight, I am not a smoker, I have no history of kidney cancer in the family, I have not abused perscribtion pain medicine, I do not have the genetic conditions making me more likely...

I just happened to be the statistic that has this disease.... so whats to say that I cant be the statistic to beat this disease too.


  1. K-Dawg-

    Just wanted to let you know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. Thanks alot Brandon... I appreciate it. Just a minor set back... we'll be back in no time. Keep in touch!

  3. Check you out! Not only are you a talented auto fabricator but you can create a blog. This too is my first time with "blogging". I think this is a great way of communicating. Thank you for this. I just know that you will come out of this on top!! Stay strong. Anything you and Stacy need we will DO IT!! Love you guys!
    Kelly G.

  4. Hi Mike, We are staying home so the party will have to go without us tonight butwe are there in spirit. Keep up the good work and customize that walker. I just know you will show the world what can be done with the right attitude and determination beating this enemy CANCER. YOU HAVE OUR LOVE AND WE ARE CHEERING YOU ON!


  5. You sure are a beautiful writer. I will be praying for you everyday. You are very blessed to have a great attitude and a big support group. Hang in there

  6. Hey Mike, You are my Hero !
