Wednesday, March 3, 2010

get set... gO!

One down...

As stated, today was the first of my chemotherapy treatments, and it was scheduled to be a 6 hour session.  I got a pleasent surprise today as it only ended up being a couple hours all together.  I guess there was some different approaches to the recipe that I recieved today, and that resulted in a shorter, but stronger dosage I guess?  I dont know really, it was all kind of foriengn to me.  A bit intimidating, but all and all, I was very excited to get that one under my belt and get on the way to remission.  The entire expirience was hard to explain, and obiviously something I never thought I would go through.  I am prepared for the side effects as we are all certain that they will present themselves at some point here soon.  The combination of drugs they pumped into my blood stream today truly amazes me.  The one chemical will literally burn your skin off, destroy your bare skin, but once placed in your blood stream its diluted just enough to not hurt you too bad, and attack the cancer cells its intended to.  Think about that, its really amazing! 

Thats about as plain and simple as you can put it.  I sat around all day thinking about this type of thing.  Thinking about what was really happening, and the actuallity of the situation.  Its really down to the nitty gritty at this point.  This is it!

As far as side effects, nothing really yet, just tired.  My hair is on borrowed time, probably next day or two they said I can expect that to go.  Every 2 weeks I will be getting chemo, and the side effects will intensify as they go.

I actually go for some more MRI's this week to keep an eye on things in my back, spine and head.  We will go over those results with my Neuro Sergeon and Oncologist just to make sure that we have things under control, and that my spinal cord is not in jeopardy in any way shape or form.  Their has been some issues with my jaw and head as late that may need attention, we will see.  Also scheduled to have some heart tests to make certain my ticker is up to the chemo that I am about to recieve.  Just when you think the scans and tests and needles are done, you get another weeks of appointments lined up, ha.

Getting excited about some good basketball coming up, conference tournys start this week, then on to march madness.

Keep the messages coming.  Its great to read them all, and I truly appreciate the support.  Its humbling and really chokes me up to think that your all their for me and my family.  It certainly makes this a bit more comfortable.  We will get through this, there is no option.  I can't wait.  It aint gonna be easy, but only the strong survive right?  I got the impression today that his thing is going to put up a hell of a fight, but I know someone whose willing to put up one hell of a fight back, ha. 

In the mean time, I have some pretty mean chops growing here... hate to see em go

I gotta shower, its been a few days.


  1. Well Mike -- We are both juiced up and ready to go - IF WE CANT KICK ASS HO BODY CAN!

    Go Tigers! Grandpa Bill

  2. I've seen you with hair. When you played a full game of basketball and not a one out of place. I've also seen you with it clipped as short as you could get're a great looking guy either way. I'm looking forward to being able to spend tomorrow with you.
    Luv ya, mom

  3. Should be fun... have to get some breakfast or something!

  4. I like the shaved look. I've been trying to get Glen to do that for years.(If it weren't for that one pointed ear!)Hope you are having a good morning. Thank you for sharing with us and keeping us informed. It really does mean so much to all of us. I saw Lilli at the store yesterday and told her Grant is done with basketball so maybe they can get together Friday. Can you give me grandpa Bill's lot number. I have something I want to mail to him.
    Love Pam

  5. Mike, just heard. Can't stop thinking of you and Stacy.
    grant & lindsey

  6. We are still praying for you and your family. Stay WILL beat this thing!!

    Jeremy and Kristy Lawrick

  7. Mike...I work with Pam and my son is in kindergarten at Roosevelt. I just wanted you to know that your struggles are in my thoughts and prayers daily. I went to the U of Chicago for many surgeries and they fixed me up. I look forward to the day that you can say the same. It's not easy to accept limitations when you are young. I know...I was in a wheelchair for almost a whole year during my illness. I was bedridden and miserable. The pain and weakness from it all can really bring you down at times. It's so nice to read your blog and see how upbeat you are. It really is true that all things are possible through Christ. Please know that many prayers are being said for you in our home.

    Take Care!



  9. MarkandRobinSchmaltzMarch 5, 2010 at 10:06 AM

    Mike!!Your attitude keeps Mark and smiling everyday. You will beat this and in our eyes you already are. We are always thinking of you and Stacy and the family. I know it is tuff now but you will kick this. It is great to hear from you on here everyday. Keep your head up and we will be by to see you soon. Always thinking of you and your in our prayers always. Love Mark and Robin Schmaltz.

  10. Hey as long as you are a syracuse fan you are alright in my book. Just don't mention Indiana when I am around....Stay strong mango, you guys are in our prayers!!
